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florist NEWS Florists prepare for Mother's Day - WLUC WLUC Florist decorates a bouquet(Stephen DeLadurantaye) ... (WLUC) - With Mother's Day just around the corner, florists are preparing for a flood of ... Flag as irrelevant Flower shortage is challenge for Mother's Day and prom, say Columbiana florist Jenny Wehr YouTube According to the New York Times, supply chain issues, labor shortages and weather conditions in major growing areas are having an impact. Flag as irrelevant What you need to know when buying flowers for Mother's Day | WGRZ ... for her this Mother's Day, call your local florist as soon as you can. ... Miami before being distributed to local florists such as Maureen's. Swaby Flower Shop ( Florist ) - Kane County, Illinois - Helpmecovid - Help...